Welcome to


the parent site of





A site that exposes various extremists and other symbolic names who should not be part of formulating public policy.
A site that can help the under-informed become better voters.

A site that addresses various news stories from the perspective of a linguist/semiotician.

A site that illuminates some ways of knowing and appreciating language - Logos.

A site that shows how life can imitate art just as art imitates life.

A site that shows how various symbols are portrayed throughout time.

A site that brings one closer to and shows the importance of The Word - Logos..

A site dedicated to showing and explaining mysteriously significant signs and symbols that the popular media cannot.

Russian:  Mу́дрый - Mudriy - [from Sanskrit Mudra means "Sign"]  wise


Semiotics - [fr. Greek semeiotikos observant of signs, fr. semeiousthai to interpret signs,
                                fr. semeion sign; akin to Gk sema sign – more at SEMANTIC]

English:  SIGN - [early 13c., "gesture or motion of the hand," from Old French signe "sign, mark, signature,"
from Latin signum "mark, token, indication, symbol,"
from PIE root *sekw- "point out" (see see).]

English:  See - [from PIE root *sekw- "to see," which is "probably" the same base that produced words for
"say" in Greek and Latin and also words for "follow" (cf Latin sequor),
thus see could originally mean "follow with the eyes." Used in Middle English 
to mean "behold in the imagination or in a dream" (c.1200), "to recognize
the force of (a demonstration)," also c.1200, "often with ref. to metaphorical
light or eyes" [OED], and "to learn by reading" (early 15c.).]

English:  Semantic - [fr. Greek semantikos significant, important, fr. semainein to signify, mean, fr. sema
                               sign, akin to Skt dhyati he thinks] 1: of or relating to meaning in language

 Etymology - [fr. Greek etymología, equiv. to etymológ 'studying the true meanings
                                        and values of words, fr. étymo 'true' + lógos 'word', 'reason' + -ia]
1: the derivation of a word  
2: an account of the history of a particular word or element of a word 
3: the study of historical linguistic change, esp. as manifested in individual words


The ("SEE ...")
refers to Chapters found within the Contents of the site.

Europe - (Ευρώπη): Greek name composed of the elements euro "wide" and 
 "face, a sight, a view," hence "wide-faced."
In mythology, this is the name of the mother of Minos and the name from which the continent of Europe was derived

English:  Etymology - [from Greek etymología, equiv. to
                               etymológ 'studying the true meanings
                               and values of words,  from étymo 'true'
                               + lógos 'word', 'reason' + -ia]  
                             1: the derivation of a word            
                             2: an account of the history of a
                             particular word or element of a word
                             3: the study of historical linguistic change,                             
                             esp. as manifested in individual words

             Λογος - Logos - carrys many connotations.
The Greek word Λογος - most often translated as ‘word’, but also can
                                       mean ‘thought’, ‘standard’, ‘logic’, 'reason',
                                      ‘principle’,  or ‘proportion’. Logos is recognized in
                                      the English  dictionary as the rational principle that
                                      governs the universe (the etymology of the word
Catholic is  universal) in ancient Greek philosophy.
                                       The King  James Bible begins with
“In the beginning was the word (logos)."

We are the words we experience, know, and believe. Live a life of learning as many words as possible and you will come closer to God. This is a lifelong pursuit, a pursuit that will result in enhanced abilities to learn, enhanced abilities to ascertain reason, and enhanced abilities to know the ways that aid necessary resolutions.

German:  All - the Universe
German expression:  Alles Klar - all is clear

German:  worden - been
               geworden - to become
kGet to know Logos - words, reason, order of the universe

Vedere - to see
Provedere - to provide

Ver - to see
Averiguar - to find out

sehen - to see
vorsehen - to provide

Sicht - view, sight
Sichtprüfung - vision test
vorsichtig - carefully
umsicht - judiciousness, prudent
zuversichtlich - for sure
versichtlich - fident, trustworthy
aussichtsreich - (outlook rich) promising
sicher - safe, secure, cerian, proof
Aussichtlosigkeit - (out of sight) hopelessness



